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This web site provides structural design software which created using Microsoft Windows Excel 2010/2013 or 2016 Office 365. Each spreadsheet contains formulas, reference code sections, and graphic drawings. The software are nice and easy on all Win Tablet/Phone. The analysis results can be copied and pasted to AutoCAD. The Example is intended for re-use and is loaded with floating comments as well as ActiveX pull-down menus for variable choices.

It is free to download, by click software name, for limited version (demo only). For professional version (xlsb/xlsm filename extension), a Package of all 398 listed software, the normal price is $1850. (We sell entire Package Licenses, not individual.)

(What's New?) (User's Book) (Unit Conversions)

Wood Design Group

1 To Fix Sagging Girder To Fix Sagging Girder, by Bent HSS Tube Arch, Based on NDS 2024 & AISC 360-22
2 To Fix Sagging Beam To Fix Sagging Beam, Using External Post-Tensioning Systems, Based on NDS 2024
3 Perforated Shear Wall Perforated Shear Wall Design Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC / NDS 2024
4 Shear Wall Opening Wood Shear Wall with an Opening Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC / NDS 2024
5 Wood Beam Wood Beam Design Based on NDS 2024
6 Cantilever Beam Gravity Wood Beam Design Based on NDS 2024
7 Diaphragm-Ledger-CMU Wall Connection Design for Wall & Diaphragm Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
8 Double Joist Double Joist Design for Equipment Based on NDS 2024, ICC PFC-4354 & PFC-5803
9 Drag Forces Drag / Collector Force Diagram Generator
10 Equipment Anchorage Equipment Anchorage to Wood Roof Based on NDS 2024 / 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
11 Lag Screws Connection Lag Screw Connection Design Based on NDS 2024
12 Subdiaphragm Subdiaphragm Design Based on ASCE 7-22
13 Toe Nail Toe-Nail Connection Design Based on NDS 2024
14 Top Plate Connection Top Plate Connection Design Based on NDS 2024
15 Wood Truss Wood Truss Design Based on NDS 2024
16 Wood Bolt Connection Bolt Connection Design Based on NDS 2024
17 Wood Diaphragm Wood Diaphragm Design Based on SDPWS-21
18 Wood Joist Wood Joist Design Based on NDS 2024 / NDS 01, ICC PFC-4354 & PFC-5803
19 Wood Shear Wall Shear Wall Design Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC / SDPWS-21 (Why Ev NOT Applied?)
20 Wood Design Tables Tables for Wood Post Design Based on NDS 2024
21 Transfer Diaphragm - Wood Wood Diaphragm Design for a Discontinuity of Type 4 out-of-plane offset irregularity
22 Wood Column Wood Post, Wall Stud, or King Stud Design Based on NDS 2024
23 Green Composite Wall Composite Strong Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19, AISI S100/SI-10 & ESR-3064P
24 Bending Post at Column Connection Design for Bending Post at Concrete Column Based on NDS 2024 & ACI 318-19
25 Curved Member Curved Wood Member (Wood Torsion) Design Based on NDS 2024
26 Wood Member Wood Member (Beam, Column, Brace, Truss Web & Chord) Design Based on NDS 2024
27 Strong Custom Frame 4E-SMF with Wood Nailer Design Based on AISC 358-22 & NDS 2024
28 Hybrid Member Hybrid Member (Wood & Metal) Design Based on NDS 2024, AISI S100 & ESR-3064P
29 Beam Reinforcement Beam Reinforcement Design by Finite Element Method
30 Wood Pole Pile Wood Pole or Pile Design Based on NDS 2024
31 Bamboo Shear Wall Shear Wall Design, using Laminated Bamboo, Based on NDS 2024
32 Wood Repair and Protection Wood Repair & Protection Design Based on 2016 CEBC, ASCE 41-17, ACI 318-19 & NDS 2024
33 CLT Shear Wall Shear Wall Design, using Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT), Based on NDS 2024
34 Mechanically Laminated Decking Mechanically Laminated Decking Design Based on 2022 CBC/2024 IBC 2304.9
35 CLT Two Way Floor Two-Way Floor Design Based on NDS 2024, using Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT), by FEM
36 Flitch Plate Beam Flitch Plate Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22 & NDS 2024
37 Wood Anchorage Sill Plate/Nailer Connection Design Based on NDS 2024
38 Cantilever Wood Diaphragm Cantilever Wood Diaphragm Design Based on SDPWS-21
39 Notching Design Notching Design for Wood and Steel Beam Based on 2024 IBC, NDS 2024, & AISC 360-22
40 Tudor Arches Design Tudor Arches Design Using Finite Element Method in Structural Mechanics
41 CLT Wall Wind Wall of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Design, for Perpendicular to Plane Loads, Based on NDS 2024
42 Sandwich Joists Sandwich Joists/Beams Design Based on NDS 2024 using Finite Element Method

Masonry Design Group

1 Masonry Shear Wall - CBC Masonry Shear Wall Design Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A (both ASD and SD)
2 Masonry Shear Wall - IBC Masonry Shear Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16 & 2024 IBC (both ASD and SD)
3 Anchorage to Masonry Fastener Anchorage Design in Masonry Based on TMS 402-16
4 Flush Wall Pilaster - CBC Masonry Flush Wall Pilaster Design Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A
5 Flush Wall Pilaster - IBC Masonry Flush Wall Pilaster Design Based on TMS 402-16 & 2024 IBC
6 Bearing Wall Opening Design of Masonry Bearing Wall with Opening Based on TMS 402-16
7 Bending Post at Top Wall Design for Bending Post at Top of Wall, Based on TMS 402-16
8 Development Splice Masonry Development & Splice of Reinforcement in Masonry Based on TMS 402-16 & 2024 IBC & 2022 CBC
9 Elevator for DSA / OSHPD Elevator Masonry Wall Design Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A & 2024 IBC
10 Girder at Wall Design for Girder at Masonry Wall Based on TMS 402-16
11 Horizontal Bending Wall Masonry Wall Design at Horizontal Bending Based on TMS 402-16
12 Masonry Beam Masonry Beam Design Based on TMS 402-16
13 Masonry Bearing Wall - CBC Allowable & Strength Design of Masonry Bearing Wall Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A
14 Masonry Bearing Wall - IBC Allowable & Strength Design of Masonry Bearing Wall Based on TMS 402-16
15 Masonry Column - CBC Masonry Column Design Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A
16 Masonry Column - IBC Masonry Column Design Based on TMS 402-16 & 2024 IBC
17 Beam to Wall Beam to Wall Anchorage Design Based on TMS 402-16
18 Collector to Wall Collector to Wall Connection Design Based on TMS 402-16
19 Hybrid Masonry Wall Hybrid Masonry Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16
20 PT-Masonry Shear Wall Post-Tensioned Masonry Shear Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16 (LEED Gold)
21 Masonry Shear Wall Opening Masonry Shear Wall with Opening Design Using Finite Element Method
22 Masonry Cracking Anticipated Cracking Design of Masonry Wall Based on TMS 402-16
23 Existing Column Enhancement Existing Column Enhancement Based on 2015 IEBC, ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19/TMS 402-16
24 Existing Wall Enhancement Existing Wall Enhancement Based on 2015 IEBC, ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19/TMS 402-16
25 Grillage Beam Wall Design for Grillage Beam Masonry Wall Based on TMS 402-16
26 Masonry Element Masonry Plate/Shell Element Design (ASD) Based on 2024 IBC & TMS 402-16
27 Lightly Loaded Column Lightly Loaded Column Design Based on TMS 402-16 (UNCRACKED and CRACKED)

Infrastructure (Bridge) Design Group

1 Repairing Bridge Bridge Design and Repair, by Added New Arch, using Finite Element Method
2 Bridge Concrete Column Bridge Column Design Based on AASHTO 17th & ACI 318-19
3 Bridge Box Section Bridge Design for Prestressed Concrete Box Section Based on AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-19
4 Concrete Tunnel Concrete Tunnel Design Based on AASHTO-17th & ACI 318-19
5 Double Tee Prestressed Double Tee Design Based on AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-19
6 Concrete Box Culvert Concrete Box Culvert Design Based on AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-19
7 Steel Road Plate Steel Road Plate Design Based on AASHTO 17th Edition & AISC 360-22 using Finite Element Method
8 Flange Tapered Girder Flange Tapered Plate Girder Design Based on AISC 360-22
9 Prestressed Concrete Pole/Pile Prestressed Concrete Circular Hollow Pole/Pile Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AASHTO 17th
10 Falsework Falsework Design for Steel Girder Bridge Based on NDS 2024 & AASHTO 17th
11 Polygon Capacity Polygon Section Member (Tubular Steel Pole) Design Based on ASCE 48-14
12 Concrete Wall-Mount Mounting Design on Concrete Wall/Tunnel Based on FEMA E-74, 2024 IBC, and 2022 CBC Chapter A
13 Truss Bridge Truss Analysis using Finite Element Method
14 Bridge Concrete Girder Prestressed Concrete Girder Design for Bridge Structure Based on AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-19
15 Vehicular Barrier Wall Vehicular Barrier Wall Design Based on ASCE 7-22 & ACI 318-19
16 Footbridge Vibration Footbridge Vibration Design Based on The Structural Engineer, Vol. 94-1, 2016
17 MSE Wall Design of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Based on AASHTO/2024 IBC & TMS 402-16
18 Elastomeric Bearing Bridge Elastomeric Bearing Bridge Analysis using Finite Element Method
19 Cable Structure Cable Structure Design Based on ASCE 19-10 & AASHTO 17th
20 Arch Bridge Arch Bridge Analysis using Finite Element Method
21 Arch Bridge Limits Arch Bridge Limits Analysis Based on ACI 318-19, AISC 360-22 & AASHTO-17th
22 Bollard Anchorage Bollard/Flagpole Anchorage Design Based on ACI 318-19
23 Wildlife Crossing Wildlife Crossing Design Based on AASHTO-17th & ACI 318-19
24 Curved Pipe Tube Curved Steel HSS (Tube, Pipe) Member Design Based on AISC 360-22
25 Articulating Concrete Block Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) Design Based on NCMA ACB Manual 2nd Edition
26 Hybrid Retaining Hybrid Retaining Structural Design Based on 2024 IBC/AASHTO, TMS 402-16 & AISC 360-22
27 Super Composite Girder Super Composite Girder Design Based on 2022 CBC / 2024 IBC, AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19
28 Tower Drift Tower Drift Analysis for Cable Stayed Bridge by Finite Element Method
29 Underground Vault Masonry Vault Design Based on 2024 IBC & TMS 402-16
30 Railway Subgrade Subgrade Design for Heavy Haul Railway on Soft Soil Based on AASHTO & ACI 318-19
31 Underground Rectangular Box Underground Rectangular Section Design using Finite Element Method
32 Gabion Retaining Wall Design of Gabion Retaining Wall Based on AASHTO 17th & 2024 IBC
33 Steel Sheet Piling Steel Retaining Wall Design Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC & AISC 360-22
34 Cantilever Diaphragm Cantilever Diaphragm Analysis using Tension-Only Braced Frame
35 Vehicle Security Barriers Vehicle Security Barrier Design Based on AASHTO-17th, 2024 IBC, AISC 341-22, & ACI 318-19
36 Fiber Wrap Column Column Repair Design of Carbon Fiber Wrap Based on 2024 IBC, ACI 318-19, & AASHTO-17th
37 Post-Compression Structure Post-Compression Structure Analysis using Finite Element Method
38 Hybrid Suspension Bridge Hybrid Suspension Bridge Design Based on ASCE 19-10 & AASHTO 17th
39 Heavy Loads Concrete Slab Analysis of Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads Based on AASHTO/ACI 318-19
40 Seismic Slope Stability Seismic Slope Stability Analysis Based on Mononobe-Okabe Method, AASHTO 17th & 2024 IBC
41 Flexible Pipe Cover Flexible Pipe Cover Design Based on AASHTO / NCSPA Design Manual
42 Curved Rigid Footing Curved Rigid Footing Design Based on ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19
43 CSP Deep Foundation CSP Deep Foundation Design Based on 2024 IBC, ACI 318-19 & AASHTO 17th
44 Trans Mountain Pipeline Trans Mountain Pipeline Design Based on AISC 360-22
45 Thermal Expansion Contraction Axial Design Force from Thermal Expansion and Contraction      

Aluminum & Glass Design

1 Aluminum I or WF Member Aluminum I or WF Member Capacity Based on Aluminum Design Manual 2015 (ADM-I)
2 Aluminum C or CS Member Aluminum C or CS Member Capacity Based on Aluminum Design Manual 2015 (ADM-I)
3 Aluminum RT Member Aluminum RT Member Capacity Based on Aluminum Design Manual 2015 (ADM-I)
4 Aluminum PIPE Member Aluminum PIPE Member Capacity Based on Aluminum Design Manual 2015 (ADM-I)
5 Structural Glass Glass Wall/Window/Stair Design, Based on ASTM E1300, using Finite Element Method
6 P-Delta Effect P-Delta Effect Analysis by Finite Element Method
7 Copper Pipe Copper Pipe Design using Finite Element Method
8 Bent Pipe Bent Copper Pipe Design using Finite Element Method

Concrete Design Group

1 Custom Metric Bars Flexural & Axial Design for Custom Metric Bars Based on Linear Distribution of Strain (ACI 318-19)
2 Voided Biaxial Slab Voided Two-Way Slab Design Based on ACI 318-19
3 Anchorage to Concrete Base Plate and Group Anchors Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AISC 360-22
4 Anchorage to Pedestal Anchorage to Pedestal Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AISC 360-22
5 Circular Column Circular Column Design Based on ACI 318-19
6 Concrete Column Concrete Column Design Based on ACI 318-19
7 Super Composite Column Super Composite Column Design Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19
8 Special Shear Wall - CBC Special Concrete Shear Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19 & 2022 CBC Chapter A
9 Ordinary Shear Wall Ordinary Concrete Shear Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19
10 Concrete Pool Concrete Pool Design Based on ACI 318-19
11 Corbel Corbel Design Based on 2024 IBC / ACI 318-19
12 Coupling Beam Coupling Beam Design Based on ACI 318-19
13 Deep Beam Deep Beam Design Based on ACI 318-19
14 Non Deep Beam Typical Member Section (Non Deep Beam) Design Based on ACI 318-19
15 Equipment Mounting Design for Equipment Anchorage Based on ASCE 7-22 Supplement 1 & 2022 CBC Chapter A
16 Existing Shear Wall Verify Existing Concrete Shear Wall Based on ASCE 41-17 / 2022 CBC / 2024 IBC
17 Friction Shear Friction Reinforcing Design Based on ACI 318-19
18 Pipe Concrete Column Pipe Concrete Column Design Based on ACI 318-19
19 PT-Concrete Floor Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floor Based on ACI 318-19
20 Punching Slab Punching Design Based on ACI 318-19
21 Concrete Slab Concrete Slab Perpendicular Flexure & Shear Capacity Based on ACI 318-19
22 Voided Section Capacity Voided Section Design Based on ACI 318-19
23 Concrete Diaphragm Concrete Diaphragm in-plane Shear Design Based on ACI 318-19
24 SMRF - ACI Seismic Design for Special Moment Resisting Frame Based on ACI 318-19
25 Special Shear Wall - IBC Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19 & 2024 IBC
26 Suspended Anchorage Suspended Anchorage to Concrete Based on 2024 IBC & 2022 CBC
27 Tiltup Panel Tilt-up Panel Design based on ACI 318-19
28 Wall Pier Wall Pier Design Based on 2022 CBC & 2024 IBC
29 Beam Penetration Design for Concrete Beam with Penetration Based on ACI 318-19
30 Column Supporting Discontinuous Column Supporting Discontinuous System Based on ACI 318-19
31 Plate Shell Element Plate/Shell Element Design Based on ACI 318-19
32 Transfer Diaphragm - Concrete Concrete Diaphragm Design for a Discontinuity of Type 4 out-of-plane offset irregularity
33 Silo/Chimney/Tower Design Concrete Silo / Chimney / Tower Design Based on ASCE 7-22, ACI 318-19 & ACI 313-16
34 Concrete Beam Concrete Beam Design, for New or Existing, Based on ACI 318-19
35 Anchorage with Circular Base Plate Anchorage Design, with Circular Base Plate, Based on ACI 318-19 & AISC 360-22
36 Direct Composite Beam Composite Beam/Collector Design, without Metal Deck, Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19
37 Multi-Story Tilt-Up Multi-Story Tilt-Up Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19
38 Composite Moment Connection Composite Moment Connection Design Based on ACI 318-19
39 Concrete Development & Splice Development & Splice of Reinforcement Based on ACI 318-19
40 Two Way Slab Two-Way Slab Design Based on ACI 318-19 using Finite Element Method
41 Existing Beam Enhancement Existing Concrete Beam Enhancement Based on 2015 IEBC, ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19
42 Existing Floor Enhancement Existing Concrete Floor Enhancement Based on 2015 IEBC, ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19
43 Bearing Wall for ICF Bearing Wall Design of Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Based on ACI 318-19 & 2024 IBC
44 Lintel for ICF Lintel Design of Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Based on ACI 318-19 & 2024 IBC
45 Gusset To Wall Design for Connection to Wall Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19
46 Irregular Section Irregular Section Design of Concrete Beam/Column Based on & ACI 318-19
47 Coupled Shear Walls Coupled Shear Walls Design Based on ASCE 7-22 & ACI 318-19
48 Concrete Stair Concrete Stair Design Based on 2024 IBC & ACI 318-19
49 Slab on Wall Design for Two-Way Concrete Slab on Wall Based on ACI 318-19 using Finite Element Method


Foundation Design Group

1 Slope Stability Analysis Slope (Wild Fired Mountain) Stability Analysis Based on AASHTO 17th & 2024 IBC
2 Basement Concrete Wall Basement Concrete Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19
3 Flagpole Flagpole Footing Design Based on 2024 IBC Chapter 18
4 Masonry Retaining Wall Masonry Retaining / Fence Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16 & ACI 318-19
5 Concrete Retaining Wall Concrete Retaining Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19
6 Masonry-Concrete Retaining Wall Retaining Wall Design, for Masonry Top & Concrete Bottom, Based on TMS 402-16 & ACI 318-19
7 Concrete Pier Concrete Pier (Isolated Deep Foundation) Design Based on ACI 318-19
8 Concrete Pile Drilled Cast-in-place Pile Design Based on ACI 318-19
9 Pile Caps Pile Cap Design for 4, 3, 2-Piles Pattern Based on ACI 318-19
10 Pile Cap Balanced Loads Determination of Pile Cap Balanced Loads and Reactions
11 Conventional Slab on Grade Design of Conventional Slabs on Expansive & Compressible Soil Grade Based on ACI 360
12 Caisson Caisson Design Based on 2024 IBC & 2022 CBC
13 Eccentric Footing Eccentric Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19
14 Basement Masonry Wall Basement Masonry Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16
15 Basement Column Basement Column Supporting Lateral Resisting Frame Based on ACI 318-19
16 MRF-Grade Beam Grade Beam Design for Moment Resisting Frame Based on ACI 318-19
17 Brace Grade Beam Grade Beam Design for Brace Frame Based on ACI 318-19
18 Grade Beam Two Pads with Grade Beam Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AISC 360-22
19 Circular Footing Circular Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19
20 Combined Footing Combined Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19
21 Boundary Spring Generator Mat Boundary Spring Generator
22 Deep Footing Deep Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19
23 Footing at Piping Design of Footing at Piping Based on ACI 318-19
24 Irregular Footing Soil Pressure Soil Pressure Determination for Irregular Footing
25 PAD Footing Pad Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19
26 Plain Concrete Footing Plain Concrete Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19
27 Restrained Retaining Wall Restrained Retaining Masonry & Concrete Wall Design Based on TMS 402 & ACI 318
28 Retaining Wall for DSA /OSHPD Retaining Wall Design Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A
29 Tank Footing Tank Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19, ASCE 7-22 & AWWA D103-19
30 Tank Anchorage Tank Anchorage Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AWWA D103-19
31 Under Ground Well Under Ground Well Design Based on ACI 350-06 & ACI 318-19
32 Stud Bearing Wall Footing Footing Design for Stud Bearing Wall Based on 2024 IBC / ACI 318-19
33 Wall Footing Footing Design of Shear Wall Based on ACI 318-19
34 Fixed Moment Condition Fixed Moment Condition Design Based on ACI 318-19
35 Flood Way Concrete Floodway Design Based on ACI 350-06 & ACI 318-19
36 Lateral Earth Pressure Lateral Earth Pressure of Rigid Wall Based on AASHTO 17th & 2024 IBC
37 Shoring Sheet Pile Wall Design Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC / ACI 318-19
38 Composite Element Durability Composite Element (Tension Pile) Design Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19
39 Seismic Earth Pressure Seismic Earth Pressure of Deep Stiff Wall Based on FEMA P-750 & AASHTO/IBC
40 Free Standing Wall Free Standing Masonry & Conctere Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16 & ACI 318-19
41 Rectangular Machine Footing Rectangular Machine or Tank Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19
42 Tieback Wall Sheet Pile Wall, with Tieback Anchors, Design Based on AASHTO (HB-17), 2024 IBC & ACI 318-19
43 Screw Piles Screw Pile Design Based on 2024 IBC & AISC 360-22
44 PT-Slab on Ground Design of PT Slabs on Expansive Soil Ground Based on PTI DC10.5-12 & PTI 3rd Edition
45 Under Footing Sewer Underground Utilities Way Design Based on AASHTO-17th & 2024 IBC
46 Landslide Repair Landslide Repair Design Based on 2024 IBC, ACI 318-19 & AASHTO 17th
47 Ring Foundation Ring Foundation Design Based on 2024 IBC & ACI 318-19
48 Driven Pile Driven Precast Concrete Pile Design Based on 2024 IBC & ACI 318-19
49 Equipment Footing Foundation Design for Dynamic Equipment Based on ACI 351.3 & ACI 318-19
50 Counterfort Retaining Wall Counterfort Retaining Wall Design Based on 2024 IBC & ACI 318-19
51 Retaining Wall Repair Retaining Wall Repair Design Based on AASHTO/2024 IBC & TMS 402-16
52 Mat Foundation RC Mat Slab Design Based on 2024 IBC, ACI 318-19, AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 360
53 Bin Wall Trapezoidal Loads Retaining Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19
54 Tree Root Foundation Tree Root Foundation Design Based on AASHTO (HB-17), 2024 IBC & 2022 CBC
55 Elastic Strip Foundation Elastic Strip Foundation Analysis using Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC
56 PT-Rebar Ground Slab Design of PT Slabs with Rebar Stiffening Beam Based on ACI 318-19, PTI DC10.5-12 & PTI 3rd Edition
57 Temporary Footing for Rectangular Tank Temporary Tank Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19
58 Sonotube Footing Sonotube Footing Design Based on 2024 IBC, ASCE 7-22, & ACI 318-19
59 Rigid Footing Moment Capacity Rigid Footing Moment Capacity Design Based on ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19

Lateral Analysis Group

1 Seismic - ASCE 7-22 Seismic Analysis Based on ASCE 7-22 (Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure & Modal Response Spectrum Analysis)
2 Shade Structure Wind Wind Analysis for Shade Open Structure Based on ASCE 7-22, 10 & 05
3 Circular Structure Wind Wind Analysis for Circular Structure Based on ASCE 7-22
4 Metal Pipe/Riser MCE Level Seismic Design for Metal Pipe/Riser Based on ASCE 7-22 & AISI S100
5 Rigid Diaphragm Rotation Analysis of Rigid Diaphragm Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC (Why not Semi-Rigid?)
6 Flexible Diaphragm Flexible Diaphragm Analysis
7 Two Story Moment Frame Two Story Moment Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method
8 X - Braced Frame X-Braced Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method
9 Open Structure Wind Wind Analysis for Open Structure (Solar Panels) Based on ASCE 7-22, 10 & 05
10 Roof Screen/Equipment Wind Wind Load, on Roof Screen / Roof Equipment, Based on ASCE 7-22, 10 & 05
11 Axial Roof Deck Axial Capacity of 1 1/2" Type "B" Roof Deck Based on ICBO ER-2078P
12 Deformation Compatibility Column Deformation Compatibility Design using Finite Element Method
13 Discontinuous Shear Wall Discontinuous Shear Wall Analysis Using Finite Element Method
14 Flexible Diaphragm Opening Flexible Diaphragm with an Opening Analysis
15 Hand Rail Handrail Design Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19
16 Interior Wall Lateral Force Interior Wall Lateral Forces Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
17 Lateral Frame Formulas Lateral Frame Formulas
18 Live Load Live Load Reduction Based on ASCE 7-22, 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
19 New Roof Loads Support Design, for New Loads on Existing Roof, Based on ASCE 41-17, AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19
20 Wind - ASCE7-22 Wind Analysis Based on ASCE 7-22
21 Shear Wall Forces Shear Wall Analysis for Shear Wall with Opening Using Finite Element Method
22 Shear Wall - New Opening Relative Rigidity Determination for Shear Wall with New Opening
23 Shear Wall Rigidity Rigidity for Shear Wall & Shear Wall with Opening Using Finite Element Method
24 Sign Sign Design Based on AISC 360-22, ACI 318-19, and IBC 1807.3
25 Sign Wind Wind Analysis for Freestanding Wall & Sign Based on ASCE 7-22, 10 & 05
26 Snow Snow Load Analysis Based on ASCE 7-22, 10, 05, & UBC
27 Wall Lateral Force - CBC Lateral Force for One-Story Wall Based on 2022 CBC
28 Wall Lateral Force - IBC Lateral Force for One-Story Wall Based on 2022 CBC/2024 IBC
29 High-Rise Building High-Rise Structural Embedded Design Based on 2022 CBC/2024 IBC
30 Wind Girt Deflection Wind Girt Deflection Analysis of Wood, Metal Stud, and/or Steel Tube
31 Storage Racks Lateral Loads of Storage Racks, with Hilti & Red Head Anchorage, Based on ASCE 7-22
32 Wind Alternate Method Wind Analysis for Building with h < 60 ft, Based on 2024 IBC/ASCE 7-22
33 Ceiling Seismic Loads Suspended Ceiling Seismic Loads Based on ASCE 7-22
34 Response Spectrum Generator Earthquake Response Spectrum Generator
35 Tornado and Hurricane Wind Analysis for Tornado and Hurricane Based on 2022 CBC/2024 IBC 423 & FEMA 361/320
36 Stiffness Matrix Generator Stiffness Matrix Generator for Irregular Beam/Column
37 PT-Column Drift Lateral Drift Mitigation for Cantilever Column (Monorail Column) using Post-Tensioning
38 Blast Mitigation Blast/Explosion Deformation Mitigation for Gravity Column using Post-Tensioning
39 Wind - Solar Panels Wind Design for Rooftop Solar Panels Based on ASCE 7-22
40 Wind - ASCE7-16 Wind Analysis Based on ASCE 7-16
41 Self-Centering Frame Self-Centering Lateral Frame Design Based on ASCE 7-22, AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19
42 General Beam General Beam Analysis, including Lateral-Torsional Buckling Length
43 Trussed Tower Wind Wind Analysis for Trussed Tower Based on ASCE 7-22
44 PT Lateral Frame Post-Tensioned Lateral Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method
45 External PT Beam Beam Strengthening Analysis Using External Post-Tensioning Systems
46 Later Drift Compatibility Lateral Drift Compatibility Analysis using Finite Element Method
47 Sloped Diaphram Analysis Seismic Analysis for Sloped Flexible Diaphragm
48 Floor Vibration Two-Way Floor Vibration Design Based on The Structural Engineer, Vol. 94-1, 2016
49 Retrofit Weak Story Retrofit Soft, Weak, or Open-Front Story Based on FEMA P807/ASCE 41-17 (LA Ordinance 183893 & 184081)
50 Four Story Moment Frame Four Story Moment Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method
51 4 Level Shelving Lateral Loads of 4 Level Shelving, with Hilti Anchorage, Based on ASCE 7-22
52 Box Moment Frame Box Moment Frame Analysis for Enhanced/New Wall Opening
53 Seismic vs Wind Three, Two, and One Story Comparison of Seismic and Wind Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
54 Bracing Flexible Diaphragm Flexible Diaphragm Retrofit Design with Tension Rod Cross Bracing
55 Base Isolated Building Base Isolated Building Design Based on ASCE 7-22
56 Canopy Wind Wind Load on Canopy Based on ASCE 7-22 Section 30.9
57 Seismic - 2024 IBC Seismic Analysis Based on 2021 IBC (Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure, ASCE 7-22)
58 Bin Silo Wind Wind Analysis for Bin or Silo, Supported by Columns, Based on ASCE 7-22
59 Circular Diaphragm Circular Flexible Diaphragm Analysis
60 Seismic - Single Family Dwellings Seismic Analysis for Family Dwellings Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC & ASCE 7-22
61 Reversed Lateral Frame Reversed Lateral Frame Design Based on ASCE 41-17 & 7-22, AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 (LA Ordinance 183893 & 184081)
62 Arch Roof Wind Wind Analysis for Open Arch Roof Based on ASCE 7-22
63 Knee Braced Knee Braced Moment Resisting Frame (KBRF) Analysis using Finite Element Method
64 Green Roof Green Roof Seismic Analysis Based on 2024 IBC, ASCE 41-17 & ASCE 7-22
65 Pole Mount Clamp Pole Mount Clamp Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AISC 360-22
66 Ponding Design Ponding Design for Roof Beam Based on 2024 IBC, 2022 CBC, & AISC 360-22
67 Typical Truss Typical Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
68 Fink Truss Fink Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
69 Howe Truss Howe Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
70 Attic Truss Attic Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
71 Floor Truss Flat Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
72 Scissor Truss Scissor Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
73 Solar Carport Solar Carport Pole & Footing Design Based on AISC 360-22, ACI 318-19, and 2024 IBC 1807.3
74 Tension-Only Braced Frame Tension-Only Braced Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method
75 Nonbuilding Seismic Nonbuilding Seismic Analysis Based on ASCE 7-22 Chapter 15
76 Two Span Frame Two Span Moment Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method
77 Set Back Frame Set Back Moment Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method
78 Container Building Container Building Lateral Design Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC & ASCE 7-22
79 Blast Loads Determination of Blast Loads on Buildings Based on BIPS 06/FEMA 426, & UFC 3-340-02
80 Flood Design Flood Design Based on ASCE 7-22 Supplement 2 & FEMA P-2345

Steel Design Group

1 Filled Composite Column Filled Composite Column Design Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19
2 Cellular Beam Cellular Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22
3 Double Angle Capacity Double Angle Capacity Based on AISC 360-22
4 Metal Studs Metal Member Design Based on AISI S100/SI-10 (2024 IBC) & ESR-3064P
5 SMRF - CBC Seismic Design for Special Moment Resisting Frames Based on 2022 CBC
6 SCBF-Parallel Seismic Design for Special Concentrically Braced Frames Based on CBC/IBC & AISC 341-22
7 SCBF-Perpendicular Bracing Connection Design, with Perpendicular Gusset, Based on CBC/IBC & AISC 341-22
8 Column Above Beam Connection Design for Column above Beam, Based on AISC Manual & AISC 360-22
9 Beam Gravity Steel Gravity Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22
10 WF Beam with Torsion WF Simply Supported Beam Design with Torsional Loading Based on AISC 360-22
11 HSS (Tube, Pipe) Torsion HSS (Tube, Pipe) Member Design with Torsional Loading Based on AISC 360-22
12 Fixed Bolted Joint Fixed Bolted Joint, with Beam Sitting on Top of Column, Based on AISC 358-22 8ES/4ES & FEMA-350
13 Brace Connection Typical Bracing Connection Capacity Based on AISC 360-22
14 BRBF Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames Based on AISC 360-22 & AISC 341-22
15 BSEP - SMF Bolted Seismic Moment Connection Based on AISC 341-22, 358-22, 360-22 & FEMA-350
16 Bolted Moment Connection Bolted Non-Seismic Moment Connection Based on AISC 341-22, 358-22, 360-22 & FEMA-350
17 Channel Capacity Channel Steel Member Capacity Based on AISC 360-22
18 Composite Collector Beam Composite Collector Beam with Seismic Loads Based on 2022 CBC / 2024 IBC
19 Composite Floor Beam Composite Beam Design Based on AISC Manual 9th
20 Composite Floor Beam with Cantilever Composite Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22 / 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
21 Composite Floor Girder Composite Girder Design Based on AISC 360-22 / 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
22 Drag Connection Drag Connection Based on AISC 360-22 & AISC 341-22
23 Drag Forces for Brace Frame Drag / Collector Forces for Brace Frame
24 EBF - CBC Seismic Design for Eccentrically Braced Frames Based on 2022 CBC & AISC 341-22
25 EBF - IBC Seismic Design for Eccentrically Braced Frames Based on 2024 IBC & AISC 341-22
26 Enhanced Composite Beam Enhanced Composite Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22 / 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC
27 Enhanced Steel Beam Enhanced Steel Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22
28 Exterior Metal Stud Wall Exterior Metal Stud Wall Design Based on AISI S100/SI-10 & ESR-3064P
29 Floor Deck Depressed Floor Deck Capacity (Non-Composite)
30 Gusset Geometry Gusset Plate Dimensions Generator
31 Metal Shear Wall Metal Shear Wall Design Based on AISI S100/SI-10, ER-5762 & ESR-3064P
32 Metal Shear Wall Opening Metal Shear Wall with an Opening Based on AISI S100/SI-10, ER-5762 & ESR-3064P
33 Metal Z Purlins Metal Z-Purlins Design Based on AISI S100/SI-10
34 OCBF - CBC Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames Based on 2022 CBC & AISC 341-22
35 OCBF - IBC Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames Based on 2024 IBC & AISC 341-22
36 Web-Tapered Cantilever Frame Web-Tapered Cantilever Frame Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th, Appendix F
37 OMRF - CBC Intermediate/Ordinary Moment Resisting Frames Based on 2022 CBC
38 OMRF - IBC Intermediate/Ordinary Moment Resisting Frames Based on 2024 IBC
39 Plate Girder Plate Girder Design Based on AISC 360-22
40 Rectangular Section Rectangular Section Member Design Based on AISC 360-22
41 Roof Deck Design of 1 1/2" Type "B" Roof Deck Based on ICBO ER-2078P
42 Base Plate Base Plate Design Based on AISC 360-22
43 SMRF - IBC Special Moment Resisting Frames Based on 2024 IBC, AISC 341-22 & 358-22
44 SPSW Seismic Design for Special Plate Shear Wall Based on AISC 341-22 & AISC 360-22
45 Steel Column Steel Column Design Based on AISC 360-22
46 Steel Stair Steel Stair Design Based on AISC 360-22
47 Triple W Shapes Simply Supported Member of Triple W-Shapes Design Based on AISC 360-22
48 Portal Frame Portal Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method
49 Web Tapered Portal Web Tapered Portal Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and/or AISC Design Guide 25
50 Web Tapered Frame Web Tapered Frame Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and/or AISC Design Guide 25
51 Web Tapered Girder Web Tapered Girder Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and/or AISC Design Guide 25
52 Weld Connection Weld Connection Design Based on AISC 360-22
53 WF Opening Check Capacity of WF Beam at Opening Based on AISC 360-22
54 HSS Opening Check Capacity of HSS Tube Beam at Opening Based on AISC 360-22
55 Beam Bolted Splice Beam Bolted Splice Design Based on AISC 360-22
56 C-PSW/CF Composite Plate Shear Wall Design Based on AISC 341-22 & ACI 318-19 - Concrete Filled (C-PSW/CF)
57 MT-OCBF/SCBF Multi-Tiered Braced Frame Design Based on AISC 341-22
58 HSS-WF Capacity Tube, Pipe, or WF Member Capacity Based on AISC 360-22
59 T-Shape Capacity T-Shape Member Capacity Based on AISC 360-22
60 Fence Column & Footing Cantilever Column & Footing Design Based on AISC 360-22, ACI 318-19, and IBC 1807.3
61 Metal Truss Light Gage Truss Design Based on AISI S100/SI-10 & ESR-3064P
62 Sleeve Joint Connection Sleeve Joint Connection Design, for Steel Cell Tower / Sign, Based on AISC 360-22
63 Moment to Column Web Moment Connection Design for Beam to Weak Axis Column Based on AISC 360-22
64 Beam Connection Beam Connection Design Based on AISC 360-22
65 ConXL Seismic Bi-axial Moment Frame Design Based on AISC 358-22 & ACI 318-19
66 Bolt Connection Bolt Connection Design Based on AISC 360-22
67 SCCS and/or OCCS Cantilever Column System (SCCS/OCCS) Design Based on AISC 341-22/360-22 & ACI 318-19
68 Non-Prismatic Composite Girder Non-Prismatic Composite Girder Design Based on AISC 360-22 / 2022 CBC / 2024 IBC
69 Endplate Connection Endplate Splice Moment Connection Based on AISC 341-22, 358-22, 360-22 & FEMA-350
70 Z-Profile Tread and Riser Flexure Capacity for Z-Profile Tread and Riser Based on AISC 360-22
71 Strong-Column Weak-Beam Strong-Column Weak-Beam Design Based on AISC 341-22 and AISC 360-22
72 Thin Composite Beam Thin Composite Beam/Collector Design Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19
73 Angle Capacity Angle Steel Member Capacity Based on AISC 360-22
74 Seismic Column Filled Composite Column (FCC) Design for C-SMF/C-IMF/C-OCF Based on ASCE 7-22, AISC 341-22 & ACI 318-19
75 SCBF for 2-Story Plastic Mechanism Analysis, for Capacity-Limited Horizontal Seismic Load Effect, Based on AISC 341-22
76 SCBF for 3-Story Plastic Mechanism Analysis, for Capacity-Limited Horizontal Seismic Load Effect, Based on AISC 341-22
77 SCBF for 4-Story Plastic Mechanism Analysis, for Capacity-Limited Horizontal Seismic Load Effect, Based on AISC 341-22
78 T-SMF Connection Double-Tee Connection Design for SMF Based on AISC 341-22, 358-22, 360-22
79 Steel Corbel Steel Corbel Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th, Appendix F
80 Stiffeners Proportions and Stiffeners Design for I-Shaped Member Based on AISC 360-22
81 Moment to Tube Column Moment Connection Design for Beam to Tube Column Based on AISC 360-22
82 Prestressed Steel Arch Prestressed Steel Arch Design Based on 2024 IBC/2022 CBC & AISC 360-22
83 Roof Bent Girder Web-Tapered Roof Girder Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and 2024 IBC/2022 CBC 1605
84 Moment across Girder Design for Fully Restrained Moment Connection across Girder Based on AISC 360-22
85 Forbidden City-TYP Typical Frame Design of Web Curved Portal Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and/or AISC Design Guide 25
86 Forbidden City-HIP Mono Hip Frame Design of Web Curved Portal Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and/or AISC Design Guide 25
87 Horizontal Bracing Connection Horizontal Bracing Connection Design Based on AISC 360-22

Technical Support

Purchaser will receive, by USB flash drive, the purchased XLSB/XLSM version software within 4 days (but the Three or more Package License, network version, can be downloaded on the purchased day). For package purchaser, please email us your left top logo with your order. Any our software bugs can be fixed promptly, and the updated software will be emailed back to reporter.
License: Single Package License for single user with one computer (for C:\Users\[1 name]\, NOT for 2 or more users using the same C:\Users\[1 name]\ ). ($1850 + )

  Two Package License for two users with five computers ( C:\Users\[2 names]\ ). ($3520 + )

  (For public safety of structural analysis correct, we do not sell Network Server Package License more. But new purchaser can still move/Save As/copy the software from the licensed PC to project folder of Network Server, then move/copy back to re-open.)

  (Buy by Amazon online, or email us for email invoice of Zelle and/or PayPal.)

Upgrade for Package Purchaser: $489 per request. (Based on the End User License Agreement, if a purchaser does not want to update, the purchaser can use the Package on the licensed computer without expire. But if the purchaser wants to update new IBC/CBC Package license, including new software that released from the last purchased date, the purchaser has to pay the upgrading fee within each year)

For any problem to load/run the purchased software, please follow this link and email us to know. We will do prompt response.

Custom Software & Analysis

If our Package still cannot cover your design, please email us to know. We may provide custom spreadsheet & analysis service for Package purchaser.

Engineering Service

Please contact DJ Engineers & Builders Inc. to quickly design Concrete Structure with 4 hour's fire resistance rating.


For public safety of structural analysis correct, we do not sell software for Virtual PC, and never authorized any third-party to sell or distribute our software on behalf of our company. Two (or Three) Package License is for the purchaser's company with the same Federal Tax ID. The purchased professional version are XLSB/XLSM software by Windows Excel 2010/2013 or 2016 Office 365. We do not sell individual software because all software database linked together for full functions. We do not provide unprotected spreadsheet (original programming language), but our Package are VBA software, not EXE applications, so if purchaser has the original USB key, our original programming language of Basic for Applications can be Visual for any cases. We require purchaser to provide us the manufacturer's IDs of licensed computer, by screenshot, before Package software out. DO NOT UNPROTECT the spreadsheets (lost VAB Events). If the software un-locked/hacked, the calculations, at random times, will be inadequate and entire Package database will be changed. Please use hard copy or PDF file, not XLSB/XLSM/XLS/EXE version, as project records. Please check End User License Agreement for more information.
The individual developers of the software might have other employers besides Daniel T. Li, Engineering International Inc. These other employers are not participants in the development, ownership or sale of the software and have no responsibility or liability for the software accuracy or performance.
We intend that the analysis is accurate and reliable, but it is entirely the responsibility of the user to verify the accuracy and applicability. The entire liability of Daniel T. Li, Engineering International Inc. shall be limited to the purchase price. Please check this web version software before purchasing. We can not refund your payment if we sent you entire Package/Group.

Wood Lateral Concrete Steel Aluminum & Glass Masonry Infrastructure Foundation (Purchase)
Copyright © Daniel T. Li, Engineering International Inc., All Rights Reserved.