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This web site provides structural design software which created using Microsoft Windows Excel 2010/2013 or 2016 Office 365. Each spreadsheet contains formulas, reference code sections, and graphic drawings. The software are nice and easy on all Win Tablet/Phone. The analysis results can be copied and pasted to AutoCAD. The Example is intended for re-use and is loaded with floating comments as well as ActiveX pull-down menus for variable choices.
It is free to download, by click software name, for limited version (demo only). For professional version (xlsb/xlsm filename extension), a Package of all 398 listed software, the normal price is $1850. (We sell entire Package Licenses, not individual.)
(What's New?) | (User's Book) | (Unit Conversions) |
Wood Design Group |
1 | To Fix Sagging Girder | To Fix Sagging Girder, by Bent HSS Tube Arch, Based on NDS 2024 & AISC 360-22 | |||||
2 | To Fix Sagging Beam | To Fix Sagging Beam, Using External Post-Tensioning Systems, Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
3 | Perforated Shear Wall | Perforated Shear Wall Design Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC / NDS 2024 | |||||
4 | Shear Wall Opening | Wood Shear Wall with an Opening Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC / NDS 2024 | |||||
5 | Wood Beam | Wood Beam Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
6 | Cantilever Beam | Gravity Wood Beam Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
7 | Diaphragm-Ledger-CMU Wall | Connection Design for Wall & Diaphragm Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
8 | Double Joist | Double Joist Design for Equipment Based on NDS 2024, ICC PFC-4354 & PFC-5803 | |||||
9 | Drag Forces | Drag / Collector Force Diagram Generator | |||||
10 | Equipment Anchorage | Equipment Anchorage to Wood Roof Based on NDS 2024 / 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
11 | Lag Screws Connection | Lag Screw Connection Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
12 | Subdiaphragm | Subdiaphragm Design Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
13 | Toe Nail | Toe-Nail Connection Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
14 | Top Plate Connection | Top Plate Connection Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
15 | Wood Truss | Wood Truss Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
16 | Wood Bolt Connection | Bolt Connection Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
17 | Wood Diaphragm | Wood Diaphragm Design Based on SDPWS-21 | |||||
18 | Wood Joist | Wood Joist Design Based on NDS 2024 / NDS 01, ICC PFC-4354 & PFC-5803 | |||||
19 | Wood Shear Wall | Shear Wall Design Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC / SDPWS-21 (Why Ev NOT Applied?) | |||||
20 | Wood Design Tables | Tables for Wood Post Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
21 | Transfer Diaphragm - Wood | Wood Diaphragm Design for a Discontinuity of Type 4 out-of-plane offset irregularity | |||||
22 | Wood Column | Wood Post, Wall Stud, or King Stud Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
23 | Green Composite Wall | Composite Strong Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19, AISI S100/SI-10 & ESR-3064P | |||||
24 | Bending Post at Column | Connection Design for Bending Post at Concrete Column Based on NDS 2024 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
25 | Curved Member | Curved Wood Member (Wood Torsion) Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
26 | Wood Member | Wood Member (Beam, Column, Brace, Truss Web & Chord) Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
27 | Strong Custom Frame | 4E-SMF with Wood Nailer Design Based on AISC 358-22 & NDS 2024 | |||||
28 | Hybrid Member | Hybrid Member (Wood & Metal) Design Based on NDS 2024, AISI S100 & ESR-3064P | |||||
29 | Beam Reinforcement | Beam Reinforcement Design by Finite Element Method | |||||
30 | Wood Pole Pile | Wood Pole or Pile Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
31 | Bamboo Shear Wall | Shear Wall Design, using Laminated Bamboo, Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
32 | Wood Repair and Protection | Wood Repair & Protection Design Based on 2016 CEBC, ASCE 41-17, ACI 318-19 & NDS 2024 | |||||
33 | CLT Shear Wall | Shear Wall Design, using Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT), Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
34 | Mechanically Laminated Decking | Mechanically Laminated Decking Design Based on 2022 CBC/2024 IBC 2304.9 | |||||
35 | CLT Two Way Floor | Two-Way Floor Design Based on NDS 2024, using Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT), by FEM | |||||
36 | Flitch Plate Beam | Flitch Plate Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22 & NDS 2024 | |||||
37 | Wood Anchorage | Sill Plate/Nailer Connection Design Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
38 | Cantilever Wood Diaphragm | Cantilever Wood Diaphragm Design Based on SDPWS-21 | |||||
39 | Notching Design | Notching Design for Wood and Steel Beam Based on 2024 IBC, NDS 2024, & AISC 360-22 | |||||
40 | Tudor Arches Design | Tudor Arches Design Using Finite Element Method in Structural Mechanics | |||||
41 | CLT Wall Wind | Wall of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Design, for Perpendicular to Plane Loads, Based on NDS 2024 | |||||
42 | Sandwich Joists | Sandwich Joists/Beams Design Based on NDS 2024 using Finite Element Method | |||||
Masonry Design Group |
1 | Masonry Shear Wall - CBC | Masonry Shear Wall Design Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A (both ASD and SD) | |||||
2 | Masonry Shear Wall - IBC | Masonry Shear Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16 & 2024 IBC (both ASD and SD) | |||||
3 | Anchorage to Masonry | Fastener Anchorage Design in Masonry Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
4 | Flush Wall Pilaster - CBC | Masonry Flush Wall Pilaster Design Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A | |||||
5 | Flush Wall Pilaster - IBC | Masonry Flush Wall Pilaster Design Based on TMS 402-16 & 2024 IBC | |||||
6 | Bearing Wall Opening | Design of Masonry Bearing Wall with Opening Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
7 | Bending Post at Top Wall | Design for Bending Post at Top of Wall, Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
8 | Development Splice Masonry | Development & Splice of Reinforcement in Masonry Based on TMS 402-16 & 2024 IBC & 2022 CBC | |||||
9 | Elevator for DSA / OSHPD | Elevator Masonry Wall Design Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A & 2024 IBC | |||||
10 | Girder at Wall | Design for Girder at Masonry Wall Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
11 | Horizontal Bending Wall | Masonry Wall Design at Horizontal Bending Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
12 | Masonry Beam | Masonry Beam Design Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
13 | Masonry Bearing Wall - CBC | Allowable & Strength Design of Masonry Bearing Wall Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A | |||||
14 | Masonry Bearing Wall - IBC | Allowable & Strength Design of Masonry Bearing Wall Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
15 | Masonry Column - CBC | Masonry Column Design Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A | |||||
16 | Masonry Column - IBC | Masonry Column Design Based on TMS 402-16 & 2024 IBC | |||||
17 | Beam to Wall | Beam to Wall Anchorage Design Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
18 | Collector to Wall | Collector to Wall Connection Design Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
19 | Hybrid Masonry Wall | Hybrid Masonry Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
20 | PT-Masonry Shear Wall | Post-Tensioned Masonry Shear Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16 (LEED Gold) | |||||
21 | Masonry Shear Wall Opening | Masonry Shear Wall with Opening Design Using Finite Element Method | |||||
22 | Masonry Cracking | Anticipated Cracking Design of Masonry Wall Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
23 | Existing Column Enhancement | Existing Column Enhancement Based on 2015 IEBC, ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19/TMS 402-16 | |||||
24 | Existing Wall Enhancement | Existing Wall Enhancement Based on 2015 IEBC, ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19/TMS 402-16 | |||||
25 | Grillage Beam Wall | Design for Grillage Beam Masonry Wall Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
26 | Masonry Element | Masonry Plate/Shell Element Design (ASD) Based on 2024 IBC & TMS 402-16 | |||||
27 | Lightly Loaded Column | Lightly Loaded Column Design Based on TMS 402-16 (UNCRACKED and CRACKED) | |||||
Infrastructure (Bridge) Design Group |
1 | Repairing Bridge | Bridge Design and Repair, by Added New Arch, using Finite Element Method | |||||
2 | Bridge Concrete Column | Bridge Column Design Based on AASHTO 17th & ACI 318-19 | |||||
3 | Bridge Box Section | Bridge Design for Prestressed Concrete Box Section Based on AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-19 | |||||
4 | Concrete Tunnel | Concrete Tunnel Design Based on AASHTO-17th & ACI 318-19 | |||||
5 | Double Tee | Prestressed Double Tee Design Based on AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-19 | |||||
6 | Concrete Box Culvert | Concrete Box Culvert Design Based on AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-19 | |||||
7 | Steel Road Plate | Steel Road Plate Design Based on AASHTO 17th Edition & AISC 360-22 using Finite Element Method | |||||
8 | Flange Tapered Girder | Flange Tapered Plate Girder Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
9 | Prestressed Concrete Pole/Pile | Prestressed Concrete Circular Hollow Pole/Pile Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AASHTO 17th | |||||
10 | Falsework | Falsework Design for Steel Girder Bridge Based on NDS 2024 & AASHTO 17th | |||||
11 | Polygon Capacity | Polygon Section Member (Tubular Steel Pole) Design Based on ASCE 48-14 | |||||
12 | Concrete Wall-Mount | Mounting Design on Concrete Wall/Tunnel Based on FEMA E-74, 2024 IBC, and 2022 CBC Chapter A | |||||
13 | Truss Bridge | Truss Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
14 | Bridge Concrete Girder | Prestressed Concrete Girder Design for Bridge Structure Based on AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-19 | |||||
15 | Vehicular Barrier Wall | Vehicular Barrier Wall Design Based on ASCE 7-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
16 | Footbridge Vibration | Footbridge Vibration Design Based on The Structural Engineer, Vol. 94-1, 2016 | |||||
17 | MSE Wall | Design of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Based on AASHTO/2024 IBC & TMS 402-16 | |||||
18 | Elastomeric Bearing Bridge | Elastomeric Bearing Bridge Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
19 | Cable Structure | Cable Structure Design Based on ASCE 19-10 & AASHTO 17th | |||||
20 | Arch Bridge | Arch Bridge Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
21 | Arch Bridge Limits | Arch Bridge Limits Analysis Based on ACI 318-19, AISC 360-22 & AASHTO-17th | |||||
22 | Bollard Anchorage | Bollard/Flagpole Anchorage Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
23 | Wildlife Crossing | Wildlife Crossing Design Based on AASHTO-17th & ACI 318-19 | |||||
24 | Curved Pipe Tube | Curved Steel HSS (Tube, Pipe) Member Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
25 | Articulating Concrete Block | Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) Design Based on NCMA ACB Manual 2nd Edition | |||||
26 | Hybrid Retaining | Hybrid Retaining Structural Design Based on 2024 IBC/AASHTO, TMS 402-16 & AISC 360-22 | |||||
27 | Super Composite Girder | Super Composite Girder Design Based on 2022 CBC / 2024 IBC, AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
28 | Tower Drift | Tower Drift Analysis for Cable Stayed Bridge by Finite Element Method | |||||
29 | Underground Vault | Masonry Vault Design Based on 2024 IBC & TMS 402-16 | |||||
30 | Railway Subgrade | Subgrade Design for Heavy Haul Railway on Soft Soil Based on AASHTO & ACI 318-19 | |||||
31 | Underground Rectangular Box | Underground Rectangular Section Design using Finite Element Method | |||||
32 | Gabion Retaining Wall | Design of Gabion Retaining Wall Based on AASHTO 17th & 2024 IBC | |||||
33 | Steel Sheet Piling | Steel Retaining Wall Design Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC & AISC 360-22 | |||||
34 | Cantilever Diaphragm | Cantilever Diaphragm Analysis using Tension-Only Braced Frame | |||||
35 | Vehicle Security Barriers | Vehicle Security Barrier Design Based on AASHTO-17th, 2024 IBC, AISC 341-22, & ACI 318-19 | |||||
36 | Fiber Wrap Column | Column Repair Design of Carbon Fiber Wrap Based on 2024 IBC, ACI 318-19, & AASHTO-17th | |||||
37 | Post-Compression Structure | Post-Compression Structure Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
38 | Hybrid Suspension Bridge | Hybrid Suspension Bridge Design Based on ASCE 19-10 & AASHTO 17th | |||||
39 | Heavy Loads Concrete Slab | Analysis of Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads Based on AASHTO/ACI 318-19 | |||||
40 | Seismic Slope Stability | Seismic Slope Stability Analysis Based on Mononobe-Okabe Method, AASHTO 17th & 2024 IBC | |||||
41 | Flexible Pipe Cover | Flexible Pipe Cover Design Based on AASHTO / NCSPA Design Manual | |||||
42 | Curved Rigid Footing | Curved Rigid Footing Design Based on ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
43 | CSP Deep Foundation | CSP Deep Foundation Design Based on 2024 IBC, ACI 318-19 & AASHTO 17th | |||||
44 | Trans Mountain Pipeline | Trans Mountain Pipeline Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
45 | Thermal Expansion Contraction | Axial Design Force from Thermal Expansion and Contraction | |||||
Aluminum & Glass Design |
1 | Aluminum I or WF Member | Aluminum I or WF Member Capacity Based on Aluminum Design Manual 2015 (ADM-I) | |||||
2 | Aluminum C or CS Member | Aluminum C or CS Member Capacity Based on Aluminum Design Manual 2015 (ADM-I) | |||||
3 | Aluminum RT Member | Aluminum RT Member Capacity Based on Aluminum Design Manual 2015 (ADM-I) | |||||
4 | Aluminum PIPE Member | Aluminum PIPE Member Capacity Based on Aluminum Design Manual 2015 (ADM-I) | |||||
5 | Structural Glass | Glass Wall/Window/Stair Design, Based on ASTM E1300, using Finite Element Method | |||||
6 | P-Delta Effect | P-Delta Effect Analysis by Finite Element Method | |||||
7 | Copper Pipe | Copper Pipe Design using Finite Element Method | |||||
8 | Bent Pipe | Bent Copper Pipe Design using Finite Element Method | |||||
Concrete Design Group |
1 | Custom Metric Bars | Flexural & Axial Design for Custom Metric Bars Based on Linear Distribution of Strain (ACI 318-19) | |||||
2 | Voided Biaxial Slab | Voided Two-Way Slab Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
3 | Anchorage to Concrete | Base Plate and Group Anchors Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AISC 360-22 | |||||
4 | Anchorage to Pedestal | Anchorage to Pedestal Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AISC 360-22 | |||||
5 | Circular Column | Circular Column Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
6 | Concrete Column | Concrete Column Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
7 | Super Composite Column | Super Composite Column Design Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
8 | Special Shear Wall - CBC | Special Concrete Shear Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19 & 2022 CBC Chapter A | |||||
9 | Ordinary Shear Wall | Ordinary Concrete Shear Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
10 | Concrete Pool | Concrete Pool Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
11 | Corbel | Corbel Design Based on 2024 IBC / ACI 318-19 | |||||
12 | Coupling Beam | Coupling Beam Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
13 | Deep Beam | Deep Beam Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
14 | Non Deep Beam | Typical Member Section (Non Deep Beam) Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
15 | Equipment Mounting | Design for Equipment Anchorage Based on ASCE 7-22 Supplement 1 & 2022 CBC Chapter A | |||||
16 | Existing Shear Wall | Verify Existing Concrete Shear Wall Based on ASCE 41-17 / 2022 CBC / 2024 IBC | |||||
17 | Friction | Shear Friction Reinforcing Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
18 | Pipe Concrete Column | Pipe Concrete Column Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
19 | PT-Concrete Floor | Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floor Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
20 | Punching | Slab Punching Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
21 | Concrete Slab | Concrete Slab Perpendicular Flexure & Shear Capacity Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
22 | Voided Section Capacity | Voided Section Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
23 | Concrete Diaphragm | Concrete Diaphragm in-plane Shear Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
24 | SMRF - ACI | Seismic Design for Special Moment Resisting Frame Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
25 | Special Shear Wall - IBC | Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19 & 2024 IBC | |||||
26 | Suspended Anchorage | Suspended Anchorage to Concrete Based on 2024 IBC & 2022 CBC | |||||
27 | Tiltup Panel | Tilt-up Panel Design based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
28 | Wall Pier | Wall Pier Design Based on 2022 CBC & 2024 IBC | |||||
29 | Beam Penetration | Design for Concrete Beam with Penetration Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
30 | Column Supporting Discontinuous | Column Supporting Discontinuous System Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
31 | Plate Shell Element | Plate/Shell Element Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
32 | Transfer Diaphragm - Concrete | Concrete Diaphragm Design for a Discontinuity of Type 4 out-of-plane offset irregularity | |||||
33 | Silo/Chimney/Tower Design | Concrete Silo / Chimney / Tower Design Based on ASCE 7-22, ACI 318-19 & ACI 313-16 | |||||
34 | Concrete Beam | Concrete Beam Design, for New or Existing, Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
35 | Anchorage with Circular Base Plate | Anchorage Design, with Circular Base Plate, Based on ACI 318-19 & AISC 360-22 | |||||
36 | Direct Composite Beam | Composite Beam/Collector Design, without Metal Deck, Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
37 | Multi-Story Tilt-Up | Multi-Story Tilt-Up Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
38 | Composite Moment Connection | Composite Moment Connection Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
39 | Concrete Development & Splice | Development & Splice of Reinforcement Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
40 | Two Way Slab | Two-Way Slab Design Based on ACI 318-19 using Finite Element Method | |||||
41 | Existing Beam Enhancement | Existing Concrete Beam Enhancement Based on 2015 IEBC, ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
42 | Existing Floor Enhancement | Existing Concrete Floor Enhancement Based on 2015 IEBC, ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
43 | Bearing Wall for ICF | Bearing Wall Design of Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Based on ACI 318-19 & 2024 IBC | |||||
44 | Lintel for ICF | Lintel Design of Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Based on ACI 318-19 & 2024 IBC | |||||
45 | Gusset To Wall | Design for Connection to Wall Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
46 | Irregular Section | Irregular Section Design of Concrete Beam/Column Based on & ACI 318-19 | |||||
47 | Coupled Shear Walls | Coupled Shear Walls Design Based on ASCE 7-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
48 | Concrete Stair | Concrete Stair Design Based on 2024 IBC & ACI 318-19 | |||||
49 | Slab on Wall | Design for Two-Way Concrete Slab on Wall Based on ACI 318-19 using Finite Element Method | |||||
Foundation Design Group |
1 | Slope Stability Analysis | Slope (Wild Fired Mountain) Stability Analysis Based on AASHTO 17th & 2024 IBC | |||||
2 | Basement Concrete Wall | Basement Concrete Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
3 | Flagpole | Flagpole Footing Design Based on 2024 IBC Chapter 18 | |||||
4 | Masonry Retaining Wall | Masonry Retaining / Fence Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
5 | Concrete Retaining Wall | Concrete Retaining Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
6 | Masonry-Concrete Retaining Wall | Retaining Wall Design, for Masonry Top & Concrete Bottom, Based on TMS 402-16 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
7 | Concrete Pier | Concrete Pier (Isolated Deep Foundation) Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
8 | Concrete Pile | Drilled Cast-in-place Pile Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
9 | Pile Caps | Pile Cap Design for 4, 3, 2-Piles Pattern Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
10 | Pile Cap Balanced Loads | Determination of Pile Cap Balanced Loads and Reactions | |||||
11 | Conventional Slab on Grade | Design of Conventional Slabs on Expansive & Compressible Soil Grade Based on ACI 360 | |||||
12 | Caisson | Caisson Design Based on 2024 IBC & 2022 CBC | |||||
13 | Eccentric Footing | Eccentric Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
14 | Basement Masonry Wall | Basement Masonry Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16 | |||||
15 | Basement Column | Basement Column Supporting Lateral Resisting Frame Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
16 | MRF-Grade Beam | Grade Beam Design for Moment Resisting Frame Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
17 | Brace Grade Beam | Grade Beam Design for Brace Frame Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
18 | Grade Beam | Two Pads with Grade Beam Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AISC 360-22 | |||||
19 | Circular Footing | Circular Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
20 | Combined Footing | Combined Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
21 | Boundary Spring Generator | Mat Boundary Spring Generator | |||||
22 | Deep Footing | Deep Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
23 | Footing at Piping | Design of Footing at Piping Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
24 | Irregular Footing Soil Pressure | Soil Pressure Determination for Irregular Footing | |||||
25 | PAD Footing | Pad Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
26 | Plain Concrete Footing | Plain Concrete Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
27 | Restrained Retaining Wall | Restrained Retaining Masonry & Concrete Wall Design Based on TMS 402 & ACI 318 | |||||
28 | Retaining Wall for DSA /OSHPD | Retaining Wall Design Based on 2022 CBC Chapter A | |||||
29 | Tank Footing | Tank Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19, ASCE 7-22 & AWWA D103-19 | |||||
30 | Tank Anchorage | Tank Anchorage Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AWWA D103-19 | |||||
31 | Under Ground Well | Under Ground Well Design Based on ACI 350-06 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
32 | Stud Bearing Wall Footing | Footing Design for Stud Bearing Wall Based on 2024 IBC / ACI 318-19 | |||||
33 | Wall Footing | Footing Design of Shear Wall Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
34 | Fixed Moment Condition | Fixed Moment Condition Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
35 | Flood Way | Concrete Floodway Design Based on ACI 350-06 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
36 | Lateral Earth Pressure | Lateral Earth Pressure of Rigid Wall Based on AASHTO 17th & 2024 IBC | |||||
37 | Shoring | Sheet Pile Wall Design Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC / ACI 318-19 | |||||
38 | Composite Element Durability | Composite Element (Tension Pile) Design Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
39 | Seismic Earth Pressure | Seismic Earth Pressure of Deep Stiff Wall Based on FEMA P-750 & AASHTO/IBC | 40 | Free Standing Wall | Free Standing Masonry & Conctere Wall Design Based on TMS 402-16 & ACI 318-19 | 41 | Rectangular Machine Footing | Rectangular Machine or Tank Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19 | 42 | Tieback Wall | Sheet Pile Wall, with Tieback Anchors, Design Based on AASHTO (HB-17), 2024 IBC & ACI 318-19 | 43 | Screw Piles | Screw Pile Design Based on 2024 IBC & AISC 360-22 | 44 | PT-Slab on Ground | Design of PT Slabs on Expansive Soil Ground Based on PTI DC10.5-12 & PTI 3rd Edition | 45 | Under Footing Sewer | Underground Utilities Way Design Based on AASHTO-17th & 2024 IBC | 46 | Landslide Repair | Landslide Repair Design Based on 2024 IBC, ACI 318-19 & AASHTO 17th | 47 | Ring Foundation | Ring Foundation Design Based on 2024 IBC & ACI 318-19 | 48 | Driven Pile | Driven Precast Concrete Pile Design Based on 2024 IBC & ACI 318-19 | 49 | Equipment Footing | Foundation Design for Dynamic Equipment Based on ACI 351.3 & ACI 318-19 | 50 | Counterfort Retaining Wall | Counterfort Retaining Wall Design Based on 2024 IBC & ACI 318-19 | 51 | Retaining Wall Repair | Retaining Wall Repair Design Based on AASHTO/2024 IBC & TMS 402-16 | 52 | Mat Foundation | RC Mat Slab Design Based on 2024 IBC, ACI 318-19, AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 360 | 53 | Bin Wall | Trapezoidal Loads Retaining Wall Design Based on ACI 318-19 | 54 | Tree Root Foundation | Tree Root Foundation Design Based on AASHTO (HB-17), 2024 IBC & 2022 CBC | 55 | Elastic Strip Foundation | Elastic Strip Foundation Analysis using Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC | 56 | PT-Rebar Ground Slab | Design of PT Slabs with Rebar Stiffening Beam Based on ACI 318-19, PTI DC10.5-12 & PTI 3rd Edition |
57 | Temporary Footing for Rectangular Tank | Temporary Tank Footing Design Based on ACI 318-19 | |||||
58 | Sonotube Footing | Sonotube Footing Design Based on 2024 IBC, ASCE 7-22, & ACI 318-19 | |||||
59 | Rigid Footing Moment Capacity | Rigid Footing Moment Capacity Design Based on ASCE 41-17 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
Lateral Analysis Group |
1 | Seismic - ASCE 7-22 | Seismic Analysis Based on ASCE 7-22 (Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure & Modal Response Spectrum Analysis) | ||||
2 | Shade Structure Wind | Wind Analysis for Shade Open Structure Based on ASCE 7-22, 10 & 05 | |||||
3 | Circular Structure Wind | Wind Analysis for Circular Structure Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
4 | Metal Pipe/Riser | MCE Level Seismic Design for Metal Pipe/Riser Based on ASCE 7-22 & AISI S100 | |||||
5 | Rigid Diaphragm | Rotation Analysis of Rigid Diaphragm Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC (Why not Semi-Rigid?) | |||||
6 | Flexible Diaphragm | Flexible Diaphragm Analysis | |||||
7 | Two Story Moment Frame | Two Story Moment Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
8 | X - Braced Frame | X-Braced Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
9 | Open Structure Wind | Wind Analysis for Open Structure (Solar Panels) Based on ASCE 7-22, 10 & 05 | |||||
10 | Roof Screen/Equipment Wind | Wind Load, on Roof Screen / Roof Equipment, Based on ASCE 7-22, 10 & 05 | |||||
11 | Axial Roof Deck | Axial Capacity of 1 1/2" Type "B" Roof Deck Based on ICBO ER-2078P | |||||
12 | Deformation Compatibility | Column Deformation Compatibility Design using Finite Element Method | |||||
13 | Discontinuous Shear Wall | Discontinuous Shear Wall Analysis Using Finite Element Method | |||||
14 | Flexible Diaphragm Opening | Flexible Diaphragm with an Opening Analysis | |||||
15 | Hand Rail | Handrail Design Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
16 | Interior Wall Lateral Force | Interior Wall Lateral Forces Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
17 | Lateral Frame Formulas | Lateral Frame Formulas | |||||
18 | Live Load | Live Load Reduction Based on ASCE 7-22, 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
19 | New Roof Loads | Support Design, for New Loads on Existing Roof, Based on ASCE 41-17, AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
20 | Wind - ASCE7-22 | Wind Analysis Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
21 | Shear Wall Forces | Shear Wall Analysis for Shear Wall with Opening Using Finite Element Method | |||||
22 | Shear Wall - New Opening | Relative Rigidity Determination for Shear Wall with New Opening | |||||
23 | Shear Wall Rigidity | Rigidity for Shear Wall & Shear Wall with Opening Using Finite Element Method | |||||
24 | Sign | Sign Design Based on AISC 360-22, ACI 318-19, and IBC 1807.3 | |||||
25 | Sign Wind | Wind Analysis for Freestanding Wall & Sign Based on ASCE 7-22, 10 & 05 | |||||
26 | Snow | Snow Load Analysis Based on ASCE 7-22, 10, 05, & UBC | |||||
27 | Wall Lateral Force - CBC | Lateral Force for One-Story Wall Based on 2022 CBC | |||||
28 | Wall Lateral Force - IBC | Lateral Force for One-Story Wall Based on 2022 CBC/2024 IBC | |||||
29 | High-Rise Building | High-Rise Structural Embedded Design Based on 2022 CBC/2024 IBC | |||||
30 | Wind Girt Deflection | Wind Girt Deflection Analysis of Wood, Metal Stud, and/or Steel Tube | |||||
31 | Storage Racks | Lateral Loads of Storage Racks, with Hilti & Red Head Anchorage, Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
32 | Wind Alternate Method | Wind Analysis for Building with h < 60 ft, Based on 2024 IBC/ASCE 7-22 | |||||
33 | Ceiling Seismic Loads | Suspended Ceiling Seismic Loads Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
34 | Response Spectrum Generator | Earthquake Response Spectrum Generator | |||||
35 | Tornado and Hurricane | Wind Analysis for Tornado and Hurricane Based on 2022 CBC/2024 IBC 423 & FEMA 361/320 | |||||
36 | Stiffness Matrix Generator | Stiffness Matrix Generator for Irregular Beam/Column | |||||
37 | PT-Column Drift | Lateral Drift Mitigation for Cantilever Column (Monorail Column) using Post-Tensioning | |||||
38 | Blast Mitigation | Blast/Explosion Deformation Mitigation for Gravity Column using Post-Tensioning | |||||
39 | Wind - Solar Panels | Wind Design for Rooftop Solar Panels Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
40 | Wind - ASCE7-16 | Wind Analysis Based on ASCE 7-16 | |||||
41 | Self-Centering Frame | Self-Centering Lateral Frame Design Based on ASCE 7-22, AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
42 | General Beam | General Beam Analysis, including Lateral-Torsional Buckling Length | |||||
43 | Trussed Tower Wind | Wind Analysis for Trussed Tower Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
44 | PT Lateral Frame | Post-Tensioned Lateral Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
45 | External PT Beam | Beam Strengthening Analysis Using External Post-Tensioning Systems | |||||
46 | Later Drift Compatibility | Lateral Drift Compatibility Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
47 | Sloped Diaphram Analysis | Seismic Analysis for Sloped Flexible Diaphragm | |||||
48 | Floor Vibration | Two-Way Floor Vibration Design Based on The Structural Engineer, Vol. 94-1, 2016 | |||||
49 | Retrofit Weak Story | Retrofit Soft, Weak, or Open-Front Story Based on FEMA P807/ASCE 41-17 (LA Ordinance 183893 & 184081) | |||||
50 | Four Story Moment Frame | Four Story Moment Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
51 | 4 Level Shelving | Lateral Loads of 4 Level Shelving, with Hilti Anchorage, Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
52 | Box Moment Frame | Box Moment Frame Analysis for Enhanced/New Wall Opening | |||||
53 | Seismic vs Wind | Three, Two, and One Story Comparison of Seismic and Wind Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
54 | Bracing Flexible Diaphragm | Flexible Diaphragm Retrofit Design with Tension Rod Cross Bracing | |||||
55 | Base Isolated Building | Base Isolated Building Design Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
56 | Canopy Wind | Wind Load on Canopy Based on ASCE 7-22 Section 30.9 | |||||
57 | Seismic - 2024 IBC | Seismic Analysis Based on 2021 IBC (Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure, ASCE 7-22) | |||||
58 | Bin Silo Wind | Wind Analysis for Bin or Silo, Supported by Columns, Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
59 | Circular Diaphragm | Circular Flexible Diaphragm Analysis | |||||
60 | Seismic - Single Family Dwellings | Seismic Analysis for Family Dwellings Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC & ASCE 7-22 | |||||
61 | Reversed Lateral Frame | Reversed Lateral Frame Design Based on ASCE 41-17 & 7-22, AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 (LA Ordinance 183893 & 184081) | |||||
62 | Arch Roof Wind | Wind Analysis for Open Arch Roof Based on ASCE 7-22 | |||||
63 | Knee Braced | Knee Braced Moment Resisting Frame (KBRF) Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
64 | Green Roof | Green Roof Seismic Analysis Based on 2024 IBC, ASCE 41-17 & ASCE 7-22 | |||||
65 | Pole Mount Clamp | Pole Mount Clamp Design Based on ACI 318-19 & AISC 360-22 | |||||
66 | Ponding Design | Ponding Design for Roof Beam Based on 2024 IBC, 2022 CBC, & AISC 360-22 | |||||
67 | Typical Truss | Typical Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
68 | Fink Truss | Fink Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
69 | Howe Truss | Howe Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
70 | Attic Truss | Attic Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
71 | Floor Truss | Flat Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
72 | Scissor Truss | Scissor Truss Analysis by Finite Element Method Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
73 | Solar Carport | Solar Carport Pole & Footing Design Based on AISC 360-22, ACI 318-19, and 2024 IBC 1807.3 | |||||
74 | Tension-Only Braced Frame | Tension-Only Braced Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
75 | Nonbuilding Seismic | Nonbuilding Seismic Analysis Based on ASCE 7-22 Chapter 15 | |||||
76 | Two Span Frame | Two Span Moment Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
77 | Set Back Frame | Set Back Moment Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
78 | Container Building | Container Building Lateral Design Based on 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC & ASCE 7-22 | |||||
79 | Blast Loads | Determination of Blast Loads on Buildings Based on BIPS 06/FEMA 426, & UFC 3-340-02 | |||||
80 | Flood Design | Flood Design Based on ASCE 7-22 Supplement 2 & FEMA P-2345 | |||||
Steel Design Group |
1 | Filled Composite Column | Filled Composite Column Design Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
2 | Cellular Beam | Cellular Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
3 | Double Angle Capacity | Double Angle Capacity Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
4 | Metal Studs | Metal Member Design Based on AISI S100/SI-10 (2024 IBC) & ESR-3064P | |||||
5 | SMRF - CBC | Seismic Design for Special Moment Resisting Frames Based on 2022 CBC | |||||
6 | SCBF-Parallel | Seismic Design for Special Concentrically Braced Frames Based on CBC/IBC & AISC 341-22 | |||||
7 | SCBF-Perpendicular | Bracing Connection Design, with Perpendicular Gusset, Based on CBC/IBC & AISC 341-22 | |||||
8 | Column Above Beam | Connection Design for Column above Beam, Based on AISC Manual & AISC 360-22 | |||||
9 | Beam Gravity | Steel Gravity Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
10 | WF Beam with Torsion | WF Simply Supported Beam Design with Torsional Loading Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
11 | HSS (Tube, Pipe) Torsion | HSS (Tube, Pipe) Member Design with Torsional Loading Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
12 | Fixed Bolted Joint | Fixed Bolted Joint, with Beam Sitting on Top of Column, Based on AISC 358-22 8ES/4ES & FEMA-350 | |||||
13 | Brace Connection | Typical Bracing Connection Capacity Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
14 | BRBF | Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames Based on AISC 360-22 & AISC 341-22 | |||||
15 | BSEP - SMF | Bolted Seismic Moment Connection Based on AISC 341-22, 358-22, 360-22 & FEMA-350 | |||||
16 | Bolted Moment Connection | Bolted Non-Seismic Moment Connection Based on AISC 341-22, 358-22, 360-22 & FEMA-350 | |||||
17 | Channel Capacity | Channel Steel Member Capacity Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
18 | Composite Collector Beam | Composite Collector Beam with Seismic Loads Based on 2022 CBC / 2024 IBC | |||||
19 | Composite Floor Beam | Composite Beam Design Based on AISC Manual 9th | |||||
20 | Composite Floor Beam with Cantilever | Composite Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22 / 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
21 | Composite Floor Girder | Composite Girder Design Based on AISC 360-22 / 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
22 | Drag Connection | Drag Connection Based on AISC 360-22 & AISC 341-22 | |||||
23 | Drag Forces for Brace Frame | Drag / Collector Forces for Brace Frame | |||||
24 | EBF - CBC | Seismic Design for Eccentrically Braced Frames Based on 2022 CBC & AISC 341-22 | |||||
25 | EBF - IBC | Seismic Design for Eccentrically Braced Frames Based on 2024 IBC & AISC 341-22 | |||||
26 | Enhanced Composite Beam | Enhanced Composite Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22 / 2024 IBC / 2022 CBC | |||||
27 | Enhanced Steel Beam | Enhanced Steel Beam Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
28 | Exterior Metal Stud Wall | Exterior Metal Stud Wall Design Based on AISI S100/SI-10 & ESR-3064P | |||||
29 | Floor Deck | Depressed Floor Deck Capacity (Non-Composite) | |||||
30 | Gusset Geometry | Gusset Plate Dimensions Generator | |||||
31 | Metal Shear Wall | Metal Shear Wall Design Based on AISI S100/SI-10, ER-5762 & ESR-3064P | |||||
32 | Metal Shear Wall Opening | Metal Shear Wall with an Opening Based on AISI S100/SI-10, ER-5762 & ESR-3064P | |||||
33 | Metal Z Purlins | Metal Z-Purlins Design Based on AISI S100/SI-10 | |||||
34 | OCBF - CBC | Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames Based on 2022 CBC & AISC 341-22 | |||||
35 | OCBF - IBC | Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames Based on 2024 IBC & AISC 341-22 | |||||
36 | Web-Tapered Cantilever Frame | Web-Tapered Cantilever Frame Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th, Appendix F | |||||
37 | OMRF - CBC | Intermediate/Ordinary Moment Resisting Frames Based on 2022 CBC | |||||
38 | OMRF - IBC | Intermediate/Ordinary Moment Resisting Frames Based on 2024 IBC | |||||
39 | Plate Girder | Plate Girder Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
40 | Rectangular Section | Rectangular Section Member Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
41 | Roof Deck | Design of 1 1/2" Type "B" Roof Deck Based on ICBO ER-2078P | |||||
42 | Base Plate | Base Plate Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
43 | SMRF - IBC | Special Moment Resisting Frames Based on 2024 IBC, AISC 341-22 & 358-22 | |||||
44 | SPSW | Seismic Design for Special Plate Shear Wall Based on AISC 341-22 & AISC 360-22 | |||||
45 | Steel Column | Steel Column Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
46 | Steel Stair | Steel Stair Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
47 | Triple W Shapes | Simply Supported Member of Triple W-Shapes Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
48 | Portal Frame | Portal Frame Analysis using Finite Element Method | |||||
49 | Web Tapered Portal | Web Tapered Portal Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and/or AISC Design Guide 25 | |||||
50 | Web Tapered Frame | Web Tapered Frame Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and/or AISC Design Guide 25 | |||||
51 | Web Tapered Girder | Web Tapered Girder Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and/or AISC Design Guide 25 | |||||
52 | Weld Connection | Weld Connection Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
53 | WF Opening | Check Capacity of WF Beam at Opening Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
54 | HSS Opening | Check Capacity of HSS Tube Beam at Opening Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
55 | Beam Bolted Splice | Beam Bolted Splice Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
56 | C-PSW/CF | Composite Plate Shear Wall Design Based on AISC 341-22 & ACI 318-19 - Concrete Filled (C-PSW/CF) | |||||
57 | MT-OCBF/SCBF | Multi-Tiered Braced Frame Design Based on AISC 341-22 | |||||
58 | HSS-WF Capacity | Tube, Pipe, or WF Member Capacity Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
59 | T-Shape Capacity | T-Shape Member Capacity Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
60 | Fence Column & Footing | Cantilever Column & Footing Design Based on AISC 360-22, ACI 318-19, and IBC 1807.3 | |||||
61 | Metal Truss | Light Gage Truss Design Based on AISI S100/SI-10 & ESR-3064P | |||||
62 | Sleeve Joint Connection | Sleeve Joint Connection Design, for Steel Cell Tower / Sign, Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
63 | Moment to Column Web | Moment Connection Design for Beam to Weak Axis Column Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
64 | Beam Connection | Beam Connection Design Based on AISC 360-22 | 65 | ConXL | Seismic Bi-axial Moment Frame Design Based on AISC 358-22 & ACI 318-19 | 66 | Bolt Connection | Bolt Connection Design Based on AISC 360-22 | 67 | SCCS and/or OCCS | Cantilever Column System (SCCS/OCCS) Design Based on AISC 341-22/360-22 & ACI 318-19 | 68 | Non-Prismatic Composite Girder | Non-Prismatic Composite Girder Design Based on AISC 360-22 / 2022 CBC / 2024 IBC | 69 | Endplate Connection | Endplate Splice Moment Connection Based on AISC 341-22, 358-22, 360-22 & FEMA-350 | 70 | Z-Profile Tread and Riser | Flexure Capacity for Z-Profile Tread and Riser Based on AISC 360-22 | 71 | Strong-Column Weak-Beam | Strong-Column Weak-Beam Design Based on AISC 341-22 and AISC 360-22 | 72 | Thin Composite Beam | Thin Composite Beam/Collector Design Based on AISC 360-22 & ACI 318-19 | 73 | Angle Capacity | Angle Steel Member Capacity Based on AISC 360-22 |
74 | Seismic Column | Filled Composite Column (FCC) Design for C-SMF/C-IMF/C-OCF Based on ASCE 7-22, AISC 341-22 & ACI 318-19 | |||||
75 | SCBF for 2-Story | Plastic Mechanism Analysis, for Capacity-Limited Horizontal Seismic Load Effect, Based on AISC 341-22 | |||||
76 | SCBF for 3-Story | Plastic Mechanism Analysis, for Capacity-Limited Horizontal Seismic Load Effect, Based on AISC 341-22 | |||||
77 | SCBF for 4-Story | Plastic Mechanism Analysis, for Capacity-Limited Horizontal Seismic Load Effect, Based on AISC 341-22 | |||||
78 | T-SMF Connection | Double-Tee Connection Design for SMF Based on AISC 341-22, 358-22, 360-22 | |||||
79 | Steel Corbel | Steel Corbel Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th, Appendix F | |||||
80 | Stiffeners | Proportions and Stiffeners Design for I-Shaped Member Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
81 | Moment to Tube Column | Moment Connection Design for Beam to Tube Column Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
82 | Prestressed Steel Arch | Prestressed Steel Arch Design Based on 2024 IBC/2022 CBC & AISC 360-22 | |||||
83 | Roof Bent Girder | Web-Tapered Roof Girder Design Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and 2024 IBC/2022 CBC 1605 | |||||
84 | Moment across Girder | Design for Fully Restrained Moment Connection across Girder Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
85 | Forbidden City-TYP | Typical Frame Design of Web Curved Portal Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and/or AISC Design Guide 25 | |||||
86 | Forbidden City-HIP | Mono Hip Frame Design of Web Curved Portal Based on AISC-ASD 9th Appendix F and/or AISC Design Guide 25 | |||||
87 | Horizontal Bracing Connection | Horizontal Bracing Connection Design Based on AISC 360-22 | |||||
License: |
Single Package License for single user with one computer (for C:\Users\[1 name]\, NOT for 2 or more users using the same C:\Users\[1 name]\ ). ($1850 + )
Two Package License for two users with five computers ( C:\Users\[2 names]\ ). ($3520 + )
(For public safety of structural analysis correct, we do not sell Network Server Package License more. But new purchaser can still move/Save As/copy the software from the licensed PC to project folder of Network Server, then move/copy back to re-open.)
(Buy by Amazon online, or email us for email invoice of Zelle and/or PayPal.)
Upgrade for Package Purchaser: | $489 per request. (Based on the End User License Agreement, if a purchaser does not want to update, the purchaser can use the Package on the licensed computer without expire. But if the purchaser wants to update new IBC/CBC Package license, including new software that released from the last purchased date, the purchaser has to pay the upgrading fee within each year) |
Wood | Lateral | Concrete | Steel | Aluminum & Glass | Masonry | Infrastructure | Foundation | (Purchase) |